{Review} Cipher by Cindi Madsen

by Cindi Madsen

Genre: YA Paranormal Romance
Source: eARC from the Author (Thank you!)

Summer Davis sees deaths before they happen. She attempts to live a normal life by focusing on the dance team and her quarterback boyfriend. But then the way-too-cheery Angel of Death shows up and tells her she’s a Cipher—a person chosen to help people who are going to die resolve problems with their loved ones. Ashlyn Moore, one of Summer’s classmates, is going to die, and she needs Summer’s help before that happens.

It’s nearly impossible to get through to Ashlyn, who surrounds herself with chess nerds and geeks and makes it clear she doesn’t want to be friends. Desperate to complete her Cipher task before it’s too late, Summer turns to Troy, the guy who’s always been there for her and one of the few people she can trust. With his help, she makes progress. In fact, the closer she gets to Ashlyn and her friends, the more she feels like she’s finally found where she belongs.

As the clock starts running down on Ashlyn’s life, Summer decides to change her objective. She’s going to save her new friend before it’s too late—even if it means messing with fate. 

Buy the book: Amazon Kindle
"I know you can see the best in people. You've always had that gift. Even if you haven't been practicing it as much lately." - Cindi Madsen, Cipher
Death has always been my weakness. Well, besides the goody-goody and kiss-kissy scenes. I mentally went crazy after reading such a book. It is indeed a fact that a good book can give you a real and unforgettable cry. This has been the third one on my list.

I've been on and about crazy when I saw the cover. It was magnificent and when I started reading this, I cannot accept the fact that the girl, Summer, has been really annoying. That was at first, though, but sooner you'll really love it. When I got to the good part, I just can't put my reader down (a.k.a. Kindle on my iPhone). Troy was in fact the best part for me. He's perfect like real perfect. And Ashlyn! Let's not forget about this amazing and awesome girl that I have encountered in this book. She totally rocks!

I want to let you know...
While I was on the first chapters of the book, I mentally went crazy annoyed with Summer. I did post I was annoyed back then and got a comment from Cindi that Summer was a little lost at first. I was being inconsiderate of her situation back then. First with her boyfriend, Cody, that was totally really annoying I have to totally have a break then continue reading again. Then there comes Troy. He was dreamy perfect. He's got all the freaking talents of surfing, skateboarding, and playing the drums. I totally went drooling over him after the sight (...err, imagining him, actually) playing the drums. Him kissing Summer was a total shock (Summer did though). And I was waiting for that second kiss too! Like the heavens split into two and all the angels and saints sang a chorus of heavenly songs. Can you just imagine that? I'm totally blabbering right now, you see!
"Not sad. I mean, it is sad as girls, we feel like that - like we have to have someone or we must be failures. But I think everyone feels like that at one time or the other." - Cindi Madsen, Cipher
Having to hear that Summer really broke up with Cody (like yeah, finally), loosened me up. I had an easy breezy way of reading throughout the book. It still irritates me though, whenever I read Cody's name. Just even the mere mention of his name here while writing/typing this still annoys me! How crazy is that? 

I've never in a thousand years hated a person that much. I know he's been a total jerk and God-forbid me for saying this, please don't attack me, guys do that most of the time, so I can't totally put the blame on Cody. He's so condescending. Just imagining him act that way, in the sofa, or wherever that maybe. I just want to, you know, have this super power where you mentally push people away so hard that they might break the wall and cross the street with just the blink of an eye? Mwahahaha <~ evil laugh coming through.

So let's go over to the part where...
Let's say it, I cried. Yeah. A thousand tears escaped my eyes produced by my tear glands. I can't help it. It was past 2 AM when I cried because there's a little amount of pages left and I really have to freaking finish it before I went nuts.
"I just wanted one more day." More tears welled up in her eyes. "But it would never be enough. I could keep asking for one more day for the rest of my life." - Cindi Madsen, Cipher
Boy, I was never that affected but dear inevitable Death just went through my system like a rough road I just have to go through. I can't help it anymore. GAAAH!

5 wonderful stars for the lovely lady who wrote this amazing book! Way to go!
You totally got me and my heart out pouring rainbows and candies!
I can't shake it off of my system.
I highly recommend this one to you YA readers (it includes me too y'know mehehehe!!)

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